Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative

The Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative is a collection of highly qualified people within a cross-Canada network of partners and collaborators dedicated to wildlife health.
The Ontario/Nunavut regional centre is located in the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph. The team, which is made up of faculty members, pathologists, technical and administrative staff, provides expertise in wildlife disease diagnostics, contributes to Canada’s national wildlife health surveillance program, provides educational programs, information, and consultation to government and non-government agencies, and participates in research and wildlife health management activities.

Wildlife mortality investigation is a central activity in our region that contributes directly to regional, national and international surveillance programs. In addition, the regional team teaches university and college courses and labs, engages with many groups interested in wildlife health through educational seminars, meetings and conferences, and hosts a wildlife hotline where members of the public can report sick or dead wildlife or find information about wildlife disease issues in their region.

For more information about the CWHC, our activities, and ongoing wildlife health issues please see: and

Contact CWHC ON/NU:
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Toll-Free: 866.673.4781
Phone: 519.824.4120 ext. 54662